Convert Doxygen To Pdf

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Doxygen is a documentation system for C++, C, Java, Objective-C, Python, IDL (Corba and Microsoft flavors), Fortran, VHDL, PHP and C#. For details, see Here only some basic suggestions of how to document your code will be given.

Pdfcrowd is a Web/HTML to PDF online service. Convert HTML to PDF online in the browser or in your PHP, Python, Ruby,.NET, Java apps via the REST API. Pandoc a universal document converter. Toggle navigation. About; Installing; Getting started; Demos. Try pandoc online.

In order to generate doxygen based documentation, you need to follow four steps:

  • have the doxygen executable installed on your computer (this is already done on our DESY machines)

  • document your code
  • create a configuration file
  • run doxygen to create the documentation (HTML or LaTeX based).

All these steps will be explained in the following.


How to document your code

It is highly recommended that you document your code. This makes your life easier not only for potential users of your code, but also for you, if you are going to reuse your code after a long period of time.

  • Note that the actual documentation consists in comments you write in the header fileLego mindstorms education ev3 download.

Convert Doxygen To Pdf I Love

What you should in any case document is:

  • who is the author of the class (Marlin processor, etc) and the last modification date
  • what is the purpose of your class
  • how it can be used (and/or possible caveats)
  • what are the methods of the class good for? (Even if it seems trivial for you, don't be lazy, and tell it also other people)
  • if you use special algorithms or if your class is based on certain assumptions, document them

Bellow is an example of a dummy class:

Have a look at the doxygen output. It is easy to see which is the effect of the comments.

Basically, C-style comments are used, e.g.

Convert Doxygen To Pdf Files

The doxygen brief command was used in the class description. It ends at the end of the paragraph. You can try to delete it, to see the difference.

The methods of a class are easily described like this:

Formulas can be inserted as in LaTeX files, but put between a pair of f$ commands:

Sapphire hd 7750 driver. Members of a class are documented like this:

where the sign '<' just tells doxygen that documentation follows after the member.

These are only a few very basic and easy steps which you need to follow to create/improve the documentation Of course, this is not the only way in which things can be done. But as you can see, you don't need to be an expert in doxygen to improve significantly the documentation which we all miss..

How to create a configuration file

Usually, the HCAL software packages already contain a doxygen configuration file, see for example /group/hcal/calice_soft/pro_test/source/calice_userlib/doc/Doxyfile, such that you don't need to create an additional one. However, if you want to do this for private purposes, you have to:

Then you can edit the default configuration file to serve your needs. The options are explained in the file. Some of the important things you need to pay attention to are:

  • the name of your project:
  • the input files (relative to the directory where you run doxygen):

  • the directory where to put the documentation (if you leave it empty, then the documentation will be created in the directory where you run doxygen):

  • the type of documentation you want to generate (HTML, LaTeX and/or something else):
  • If HTML chosen, the following tells doxygen where to put the html documentation relative to OUTPUT_DIRECTORY:


tells what the extension of the html files should be (.htm or .html).

Here you can find an example of a Doxyfile with which the above example was generated. Have fun with it and feel free to modify it according to your needs.

How to run doxygen

This takes a bit, probably you will see some warnings about undocumented methods, etc, which you can ignore in the first stage (you still get the documentation you added).

Suppose you decided yourself for an HTML documentation. In the directory you ran doxygen, you will get a directory called html. There, the file you are interested in is index.html. You can view it in your favourite browser. For example, open: file:///group/hcal/calice_soft/pro_test/source/calice_userlib/doc/html/index.html in your internet browser (on a FLC machine). By clicking, you can find a lot of useful information about the classes and methods present in the package calice_userlib.

Joined: Fri. Feb 16, 2007
Location: Israel
Posted by slow_rider: Mon. Jul 15, 2019 - 07:26 AM
Total votes: 0

I am trying to generate a PDF file from the Doxygen output (html / LaTeX). As far as I could understand there's a batch file placed inside the LaTeX output folder that should generate the file. When I execute it I get repeated warnings of the following format:

Not sure what are these and what to do with them. If I ignore them the PDF file is not generated. Anyone has any experience with this?